Frequently Asked Questions

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Loans & Financing

The federal government rewards you with a tax credit for investing in solar energy. A tax credit is a “dollar-for-dollar” reduction in the income tax you owe at the end of the year. Every dollar of credit rewarded is a dollar less you will have to pay in taxes.

When running your credit, it is a hard inquiry. A hard inquiry could lower your scores by a few points, or it may have a negligible effect on your scores. In most cases, a single hard inquiry is unlikely to play a significant role in whether you’re approved for a new card or loan. Your credit score typically returns to its previous level (or near previous level) even before the inquiry drops off your credit reports for good.

No. Your system can be financed through a loan or power purchase agreement (PPA). After the system is installed, monthly payments will begin. The solar power system can be purchased under a “cash agreement” where a series of payments are due throughout the project.

Yes you can! If you want to pay down the loan, you can pay it down with lump sums and there will be no additional fees (check with your financier for exact details).

Net Metering

Net metering is a utility rate program where your electric company purchases the excess solar energy your solar panels produce at the full-retail rate of electricity. Most utilities purchase this excess energy by crediting you for the energy.

Most solar companies have a 1:1 credit ratio. Please contact your local utility provider for official details.

Most do, but there are a few very small utilities that don’t allow it. Check with your utility company ahead of time to see if they offer net metering.

Permitting & Construction

Yes! Most inverters are installed on the exterior of the home and the location can be changed. This is usually detailed in the plans and will require city approval depending on the location. 

If renovations exceed a certain cost or size you will need to receive city approval and permit the job. Unless it is on the roof it is entirely separate from their solar project and will not affect it. But this may be affected by whether the city has restrictions on how many active permits you can have.

City approval varies. We do our best to expedite the process but are at the city’s mercy with the speed of approval.

Our solar panel systems are made to last up to 25 years. If your roof is deteriorating, it would be in your best interest to replace the roof before adding solar panels. The weight of the panels will need to be supported by the roof. We can help to get you a new roof! Speak with your solar expert to find out more.

Solar Contract / Interconnection

While we don’t recommend you move forward without HOA approval, you still can. Please be aware that Solcius will not cover any negative consequences the HOA may cause.

Yes. Because your system only produces solar power while the sun is out, you will still need to purchase power from the utility company when the sun is not shining. The interconnection of your system allows the utility company to only charge for the power that falls short of your solar offset percentage. For example, if your system is estimated to produce 85% of your energy needs, the remaining 15% will be purchased from your utility company. There is also a small monthly interconnection fee for the services that your utility company provides.

Your system is sized based on past utility usage records. Most utility companies will reject the interconnection application if the system produces over 100% of your utility usage. Roof space is another factor that determines whether or not you are eligible to have additional panels added to your roof.

Tax Credits

Most of our finance partners provide the option to lower monthly payments in exchange for credit received from the federal government. We recommend reviewing the terms of your agreement to determine if you are eligible to pay down your agreement for a lower monthly payment.

To claim the tax credit on your solar power system, you must file the IRS (5695) form and record the information from that form on your (1040) tax form. Additional information on how to file your taxes can be found here:

Yes, but most loans reflect the tax credit being applied. If you choose not to apply the tax credit toward your loan, you will pay a higher loan amount after a certain period of time. Please reference your loan documents.

The year following your system being installed. For example, if your system was installed on August 18, 2022 then you would use the tax credit for the year it was installed and file for tax credits by April 15th of 2023. 

We will ensure that you meet the eligibility requirements as we take you through the process. You can also find this information online or in your paperwork. Reach out to a tax advisor for your personal information. 

Tax credits do NOT affect the loan in any way as the credits are given by the government and are deducted from the amount you owe in taxes that year. It is expected that you will apply the tax credit toward paying off the loan yourself. 

The federal government rewards you with a tax credit for investing in solar energy. A tax credit is a “dollar-for-dollar” reduction in the income tax you owe at the end of the year. Every dollar of credit rewarded is a dollar less you will have to pay in taxes.


Watch this video for instructions for activating a SolarEdge system To activate an NEP system, please follow the following instructions:

Step 1: Turn the solar breaker in your main service panel to the on position. The solar breaker is typically labeled. 

Step 2: Pull the lever on the AC disconnect box up, to the on position. The AC disconnect has a label that says “Rapid shutdown switch for solar pv system”.

Step 3: If you have a combiner box sub panel, ensure any additional breakers we’ve installed are also on. 

Once you have activated your system, please notify us by sending an email to so we can proceed to finalize your account. And of course, if you have difficulty, please call us at 1-800-960-415. We will be happy to walk you through it over the phone.

Call 888-598-9901 for all troubleshooting and service requests. 

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