Plug in and power up

Never have to stop at a public charging station again (unless you're on a road trip)! Fill up your electric vehicle battery every night from the comfort of your own home with an EV charger from Solcius!

Charge fast and get moving

With a dedicated EV charger, you’ll have the power to quickly refuel your vehicle’s battery overnight, ensuring you wake up to a fully charged car every morning. Take control of your charging experience, eliminate any range anxiety, and enjoy the freedom of hitting the road whenever you please.

And best of all, our installation team can have you charging at home in just a few hours.


Your EV ownership experience is about to get even better

Having Solcius install high quality EV charging capabilities at your home has many benefits. Here are just a few:

Easy to install
EV chargers require no major renovations to your existing property. It only takes a few hours, and we can have you up and running in no time.
Quick and safe
Our chargers include a variety of safety features to ensure that you get the most out of your charging experience. With higher output power, you'll be able to fill up your battery to full charge in no time.
Increase home value
An anticipated 18.7 million electric vehicles will be on the road in the US by 2030. EV charger can increase the value and appeal of your property, as more people are switching to electric vehicles and looking for homes that can accommodate them.
Help and support
Our team of experts is always on hand to help and answer any questions that you might have. Whether it's technical advice guidance on maintenance, we will be there to support you every step of the way.
Ready to get started?
With our hard-earned expertise across all of the required disciplines needed for EV charger installation, we’ll get you on the road fast. Contact us today.
CA - Save with Energy Storage
Lock in Savings with Solar and Battery!
While backing up critical loads

Adding batteries allows you to lock in your rate and still have power during outages.

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Estmated 20 Year Savings

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Would you like more information? In order to generate a complate saving analysis and quote, we will need some more information from you, but don't worry, we make it easy, just request free, no-strings-attached proposal by clicking the button and one of our energy consultans will reach out to get started!

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Savings calculations are for estimation purposes only and assume a consistent year over year home electricity usage and a 3.9% average yearly utility rate increase.